BEST CAREER ADVIcE FOR teens start early!

for Teens to Achieve
Career Success
Blog Feature
Shelter At Home Opportunity — Talk To Your Teens About The Workplace And The Skills Required For Career Success.
By Career Prep Teens |
Competition in the workplace is a fact of life. For every job one wants, others will want it too. What determines who wins the job? Isn’t this a conversation we should be having with our teens? Isn’t being able to answer this question essential to the achievement of career success? Unfortunately, many teens are unable…
Interview About Improving Our Community
By Career Prep Teens |
John Bendt Author: A Roadmap To Career Success I was honored to be interviewed recently by Mali Phonpadith of the SOAR Community Network as part of their 1,000 Change Agent Interview Series. Click below for a link to see the interview. #SCN1000ChangeAgent Interview Series – John Bendt
Preparing Teens to Succeed in the Workplace: A Foundation Initiated Effort By John G. Bendt
By Career Prep Teens |
In order to prepare for the future, a seminar was designed to enable teens to answer these two questions: What do I need to do to prepare for career success? What determines who wins the job in a competitive workplace? The Flaherty Family Foundation initiated a conversation with teens about the workplace by providing sixty…